Caviar Nail Art


Today, one of my colleagues bought in some shiny new nail decorations to work and proceeded to show me just how cool they are. They are tiny little beads that cover your nails & they come in a whole host of colours. Despite looking like they will ping off instantly, they last for a decent amount of time, especially if you use a clear top coat over them to firmly stick them in place.

Now, you can do this one of several ways – as applying things like this is never as simple as it says on the packet now is it?


My colleague firstly put a base coat on her nails, then added another layer, and whilst is was still “tacky” gently tapped out the beads onto her nail. If you use a glass underneath then you don’t have to worry about being carefully, or about wasting them. It looks like a tinsy little pot, but  was amazed that when she had done all of her nails, hardly 1/4 of the pot had gone.  If you are anything like me though, you can do your left hand just fine, but then all hell breaks loose when you try to do your right hand. Yup, cue nail varnish on your nose and with added caviar beads WHO KNOWS what could happen. So, let me suggest another method. If you can put the beads into a little bowl and then roll you nail in them then you can get a good coverage without having to rely on your pesky left hand! Perfick!


After all that kerfuffle, you can make a makeshift tube out of some paper, and put all the spare little beads back into the pot!






And there above is the final product! LOVELY! When first applying the top coat above the beads, it might look a bit gloopy and you think you have ruined the effect, but never fear! When it dries, it goes back to looking all epic and sparkly!

I am heading off to get my nails done on Tuesday, so prepare yourself for a whole lot more nail posts! Also, I have some fluffy nail accessories coming soon, so watch this space!

So long, and farewell for now chicks!



(ps – next post? Men & make up!)

Stress relief, or what most people call “shopping”.

Anyone who has known me for 5 minutes or more will know that I do enjoy a spot of shopping. Well, it is sort of a big spot really (ahem). I shop when I am happy, I shop when I am sad (whilst eating cake), I shop when I am annoyed… you get the idea. Whilst others dash in and out of shops wanting to get out as soon as possible, I can spend hours trailing about eyeing different clothes and shoes and makeup. But then came the internet, and the amazing thing that is PayPal. You know the way PayPal can make sure you can pretend you aren’t spending money? Perfect.


But still, nothing quite beats going round shops and getting to see all your purchases immediately. As much as I adore parcels arriving with the postman, I have zero patience so end up practically pouncing (you think I am kidding, I am not.) on the poor postman as he attempts to deliver my post.

Anyway, back to the point I was warbling my way to. Have you ever gone along and had a look on the MUA site? I suggest that you go and do that right now, because not only do they do makeup that is affordable, but they do it well.

mua shopping

Will you just look at that? I bought lots of amazing things & it didn’t break the bank! They have an awesome sale section  which will make you start gleefully adding everything to your basket, and don’t let me leave you without telling you about the furry nail polish. That is right, fur-effect nail polish. This little gem is something I have added to my basket, purely because I love new nail art techniques and this is certainly something a little bit different. When I get my little paws (harrr harrr harrr!) on it, I will tell you how it turns out!

I might have also gotten myself some rather lush fake eyelashes for MUA does them for ONE POUND. That is right, £1! I do love fake eyelashes, however much I curse them when trying to actually apply them. I do rather turn the air a tinge of blue. They are not something I often wear, more for a night out or a photoshoot, but practice makes perfect and at such a low price, I might start wearing them more often!


I also decided to get myself a lovely “Wild Berry” lipstick, which is the most gorgeous colour ever. It is a bit different to my usual red, but with autumn coming, I fancy a little change!

Cannot wait for it all to arrive, that postman had better watch out!

Lots of love,

Millie XOX
